Hi everyone,


Upcoming events in June/July


Please keep an eye on your emails for further events/activities:


·       Saturday 29th June – Sundown series

·       Sunday 30th June – Downriver race to Thurne

·       Monday 1st July – Paddleboarding

·       Wednesday 3rd July – Women on the Water

·       Thursday 4th July – Training

·       Friday 5th July – Strawberries & Champagne in aid of the Benjamin Foundation

·       Saturday 6th July – Keelboat Weekend, Pursuit Race and Social

·       Sunday 7th July – Keelboat Weekend

·       Monday 8th July – Paddleboarding

·       Wednesday 10th July – Women on the Water

·       Thursday 11th July – Training

·       Saturday 13th July – Sundown series

·       Sunday 14th July – Broad racing

·       Monday 15th July – Paddleboarding

·       Wednesday 17th July – Women on the Water

·       Thursday 18th July – Training

·       Saturday 20th July – Sundown series

·       Sunday 21st July – Broad Racing

·       Monday 22nd July – Paddleboarding

·       Wednesday 24th July – Women on the water

·       Thursday 25th July - Training

·       Saturday 27th July – Regatta Weekend

·       Sunday 28th July – Regatta Weekend

·       Monday 29th July – Friday 2nd August – Regatta Week


Welcome to Jibsheet


Sunday's racing on Hoveton Little Broad

What a glorious week we have enjoyed – after Saturday’s very pleasant Sundown series, we had racing on the Broad Sunday – and although there were some challenges with weed, reassuringly these were not as severe as we’ve seen in the past couple of years, although we will be keeping a close eye on this for future events, with any changes to the programme communicated to members. Sunday night saw the Three Rivers Race feature in a great programme on Countryfile – if you missed it, you can catch up here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0020kyb


Monday was another lovely evening for a paddleboarding session, and Thursday night was a rather breezy and exciting evening for training!

Monday evening's Paddleboarding - photograph thanks to Dawn Docking
Monday evening's paddleboarding - photograph thanks to Dawn Docking
Monday evening's paddleboarding - photograph thanks to Nancy Roberts



Looking ahead to this weekend – tomorrow (Saturday) sees an OnBoard Ambassador Training Day take place for Instructors at the Club, followed by the Sundown informal sailing. For Sunday, we will have a Downriver Race to Thurne. If you would like to take part, please email racing@horning-sailing.club – we then have a number of activities taking place next week - more information both in our events calendar above, and further details below.


As you can see, we are getting into our very busy season now, with activities taking place most days! We also have just one month left until our Regatta Week begins – it’ll be here in no time!


Flag Officers’ Cut

Well, the summer has finally arrived, the sun is out!! This week we had sailing on the Broad where the weed is mainly a problem around the edges and not so bad in the middle. We continued the paddleboarding sessions with a great turnout, wagon wheels and penguins a plenty supplied by Izzy. It was a beautiful evening and we paddled to the broad where we chatted and caught up with the world. If you want to join us, it isn't just for paddleboards - kayaks and canoes will be welcome or even a row boat! We meet at 6pm and get going when everyone is ready. 


This weekend is the downriver to Thurne and back. This is an Open race so all are welcome. 


Next weekend there will be a lots of activities at the club. We are hosting the Benjamin Foundation Strawberries and Champagne event and I believe there are still some tickets available at £20 (see further information below).


On Saturday evening there will be an American-themed social event. For £5 a head there will be corn dogs, hotdogs and a vegetarian option along with other American style foods and a choc ice for dessert. The Bar will be open from 5pm so come along for a catch-up and a slow-down. Watch the sun go down with friends and family. Non-member guests are welcome. We would appreciate an idea of numbers coming for catering, so email Lorraine Street(vice-commodore@horning-sailing.club) or catch her at the club.


So, enjoy the rest of the week and don't forget to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated


Peter, Lorraine & Izzy


This weekend’s race programme


On Sunday, 30th June, we will have a downriver race to Thurne – the OOD is David Means. If you intend to take part, we would be grateful if you could please email racing@horning-sailing.club. There will be a briefing in the Clubhouse at 9.30am, but if you would prefer to receive a briefing by text, please include a mobile number with your email. As an open event, all are welcome.


Galley Café News


A big thank you to Julie and David who stepped in last Sunday as both Ann and I were unable to be in The Galley Café. Also, thanks to Anne and Sultan. As this Sunday will be downriver racing, we will only be open for breakfast.


Here are Thursday 4th July’s hot food options:


6:00pm – 8:00pm: Toasties for only £2.50

6:00pm – 7:15pm: Bacon Rolls for only £2.00

From 8:00pm:        Fish fingers, chips and beans £3.00


It would be worth remembering that The Galley Café is run by volunteers and as much as Claire and I (Vikki) enjoy cooking up a storm on a Thursday night, we have found the past couple of weeks very difficult, especially as we also have jobs outside of the club. We would therefore really appreciate your help. It would just be serving hot drinks and a bit of washing up, so nothing too crazy. I will be coming round to create a rota of volunteers to help support us. So before we decide it’s too much and the toastie maker will need to retire, if you are able to help out, we would be very, very grateful 

Speaking of volunteers, it will soon be our Regatta Week and we desperately need volunteers to help us run smoothly (and keep our sanity!). Look out for a rota coming soon!


Follow us on Instagram: @hscthegalleycafe to find out what we have to offer each week.


We look forward to seeing you soon.

The Galley Café Team.


Strawberries & Champagne Event in aid of the Benjamin Foundation


On Friday 5th July there will be a Champagne & Strawberries event hosted at Horning Sailing Club in aid of the Benjamin Foundation. We hope that you will support this worthy cause. Tickets are available from Anne Wagstaff (01692 630507 or wag@broadland.net)



Women on the Water

Next Wednesday sees the first of our social sailing evenings for women. We have had an excellent response and are looking forward to a good time improving our sailing skills and confidence out on the river. Please bring an extra clothing layer as it can get cold! Starting at 6pm we will finish by 8pm and then will open the galley for hot and cold drinks.

Please see Lorraine for any more information



Yeoman Kinsman Broadland National Championship – by Steve Middleditch


For quite some years the Yeoman Kinsman Association has held its Broadland National Championships either at Horning Sailing Club or at the Norfolk Broads Yacht Club.  This is a much smaller number of venues than has historically been the case, so to try and widen the scope of this event, this year’s Championship was held at the Norfolk Punt Club at Barton Broad.


As is becoming traditional for this event, the adventure started on Friday with 2 boats, Panope and Trio (David Taitt), sailing all the way from Coldham Hall Sailing Club.  Even better, David’s crew Garnet Doherty flew all the way from Lough Erne Yacht Club to take part, as he has not been able to visit us in May.


7 Yeomans turned up for the event, but this did not dent the excitement, with extremely variable wind and weather.  There were a total of 5 races, unusually 3 races on Saturday and 2 on Sunday, giving a welcome early finish for transporting boats back to base.


Saturday saw the first race contested fiercely between Flip Dugdale with Roger Hannant in Firefly and local Yeoman Sailors Alastair and Charlotte Drew in Turnstone.  Flip however held the lead from early on and didn’t relinquish this for the rest of the event.  This left Turnstone in second and Chris Bolton in Folly 2 third.  The second race ended with the first 3 places unchanged from the first race, although you could not say the weather didn’t change, as we had sunshine, squalls, thunder and lightning against a black sky.  3 of the last 4 boats were disqualified for sailing the wrong course.  The third race saw Folly 2 use his spinnaker very effectively to pull a lead on Firefly, however this did not last and Firefly overtook him to get first place leaving Folly 2 in second and Turnstone in third.


Sunday saw some of the most variable conditions.  The first race had a long broad reach along the length of the course.  Firefly had a considerable lead by now and was some way into this reach before a very large squall hit.  By some unfathomable luck, Firefly had failed to fly their spinnaker due to an issue with their pole and Flip described feeling her bad luck turning to relief when Firefly was planning under her white sails only.  The rest of the fleet had a thrilling long planing reach, which for me was the highlight of my Yeoman ownership. Truly exhilarating. The last race of the day was delayed due to more inclement weather, with the officer of the day playing it safe, much to everyone’s relief.  The course was changed due to a shift in the direction of the wind, with a figure of 8 being laid out.  Firefly took first place for a clean sweep; second place went to Panope and third to Scorpio sailed by Steven Middleditch and Maria Spreadbury. 


Overall positions for the trophies were Firefly (NBYC) in first, second place Turnstone (NPC) and third place Folly 2 (NBYC).  Highest placed without spinnaker went to Scorpio (HSC).


For the Yeoman Nationals, this was a different but hugely rewarding change to the usual venues.  Although the numbers of competitors were low, the Norfolk Punt Club hosted some excellent racing, run to perfection by the OOD Simon Clayton.  The Yeoman Nationals will be back at NBYC next year and is likely to be hosted by ourselves in 2026.   I hope we can gain more interest to return to NPC in the future.

Photo - Maria Spreadbury


Photo courtesy of Norfolk Punt Club


Helm & Crew Opportunities


As for last season, I will be co-ordinating helms & crews who wish to get on the water, so if you are a helm looking for a crew, or a crew looking to get on the water, please contact me on holly.hancock@me.com with your requirements and contact details, I will do my best to coordinate these requests.


Follow us on social media

Please do keep in touch and follow us on social media for our latest news and updates. We’re on Facebook (page here, group here), Twitter and Instagram. HSC’s Galley Instagram account is @hscthegalleycafe.


*If you have any news stories or anything you would like included in the next edition of Jibsheet, please email me - Holly - on news@horning-sailing.club by 5pm, Wednesday 3rd July 2024*